The smart device testing robot

MATT Robot Variants on a transparent background

About MATT

MATT is a complete automated testing solution for multitouch devices with touchscreens and buttons.

Reliable and robust, yet flexible and compact, MATT is the test automation robot for easier and faster functional and performance testing of devices and apps.

With a 1, 2 or 3-fingered custom end effector and add-ons that emulate any multi-touch gesture like tapping, pinching, swiping, and rotating, two high-resolution cameras, computer vision API, and alongside powerful electronics and robust engineering, the device testing robot easily replicates user interaction. MATT performs fully automated device test cycles for both hardware and software, relieving manual testers of repetitive tasks while providing consistent results and increasing productivity.


An effortless and time-saving technology for automated touchscreen and button testing. MATT changes manual and software testing, boosts testing productivity & reliability, and guarantees automated robotic testing excellence session by session.

Scheduled tap icon

Device and User Interface Gesture Automation

MATT comes equipped with a capacitive stylus effector that moves at blazing-fast speed. Replicate device-user interactions like screen tap, swipe, and zoom gestures for outstanding test accuracy.

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Flexible Device Testing Functionality

Universal Input / Output and communication interfaces allow MATT to easily interact with external portable and built-in hardware devices and their components. Adjustable fixtures offer a versatile device mounting solution, from smartwatches and smartphones, to laptops, smart home appliances, IVI systems, and flight deck systems.

Advanced embedded software safely interacts with curved screens and all device shapes.

An image of the MATT Extended Robot
Multi touch Icon

Multi Touch Operability Testing

The effector features three capacitive stylus nibs which move independently to replicate natural tap, swipe, pinch and rotate user interactions with device touchscreens and buttons. MATT’s fingers are serviceable to ensure fitness for any material and capacitance requirements.

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Straightforward Test Automation

MATT is suitable for a wide range of testing scenarios. Efficient and simple test sequence setup procedures leverage automation to reduce human interaction and eliminate test calibration errors. Ready for integration with testing use cases across the entire product cycle, from R&D to end of line testing covering stress testing, performance testing, functional testing, response time testing & more.


Automotive Infotainment
Device Manufacturing
Wearable Smart Devices
Aerospace, Aviation and Avionics
Medical Devices
Consumer Electronics R&D
Video Gaming Systems and Controllers

Proudly Engineered in Romania to Meet Every Customer's Unique Needs

Fully conceived, designed, and assembled in-house by our dedicated engineers and developers for adaptability of custom integration requirements, including size and features. Always made with the highest-quality components originating from the United States and the European Union that will never be subject to foreign direct product rule (FDPR) or other export controls due to national security concerns.

MATT Robot with Romanian Flag Colors Background
MATT Robot EU Grant Banner

Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională prin Programul Operațional Competitivitate 2014-2020

Trusted by Customers Worldwide, MATT

is the automated device testing solution of choice for